typography poster

The goal of this project was to design a typographic poster; the subject I chose was type designer Tobias Frere-Jones and his font Gotham. After researching the typographer’s background, information about the typeface and his contributions to the type/design world, I was able to establish visual hierarchy in a poster format, while learning about typographers and the visual characteristics of their unique typefaces.

To thoroughly explore the nuances of the Gotham typeface, I developed a series of detailed specimen studies that creatively illustrate its unique characteristics compared to other typefaces. This exploration not only deepened my understanding of its design potential but also provided insights into its role in establishing hierarchy, balance, and visual harmony within a composition.

Specimen studies


Each sketch works to include every researched aspect of the Gotham typeface, including type as image, quote as image, an alphabet showcase, the specimen studies, an image of the typographer, Tobias Frere-Jones as well as a short biography I wrote to accompany the graphics.



Famous Couples: Cover Design


Multi-Page Book